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Holos Cinétique - Holos Marketing

Emotion in motion

The Kinetics division of Holos Marketing comes from a new generation of directors who work at the heart of an unprecedented media age.
The communication of emotions is the foundation of our work and our ultimate goal. During each creation, we pay particular attention to the human character and the story (“Storytelling”) so that each moment of viewing is an emotional experience.
Through a distinctive treatment of light, sound and movement, we are in perpetual quest for aesthetics and a cinematographic visual signature.


Cinematographic Production

The 7th Art is the nerve center of our projects. Put in sound and image a story that will transcend technology and reality is a form of alchemy that inhabits us with passion.

Photographic capture

Photography is the childhood of the Art of cinema. From image composition to lighting, we see every shot as a motion frozen in time.

Web design

The web dimension of a project is at the heart of all our deployment strategies. This is why in the era of social marketing, we master the technical cogs of this essential art.

Alexandre Loyer


Vice-Président, Production et technologies

It's all about people

Alexandre Loyer is an advertising and communications expert.

Producer, director, photographer, cameraman, editor, visual effects artist, Alexandre is fully invested in his many passions. Among other things, he did event photography and produced television commercials, corporate videos and a few short films.

He has the ability to take into account several strategic imperatives in the design of a multimedia document and above all he  likes to approach the various challenges that come his way in a “Out of the box angle.   He is propelled by an incessant quest to innovate in his artistic approach.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Alexandre Loyer

Senior partner

Vice-Président, Production et technologies

Caring for the future

Honoring each of my values ​​on a daily basis is one of the fundamental pillars for the realization of my life mission.


I’m inhabited by a desire to discover unexplored avenues


I have a deep interest in the well-being of my clients and their business


I value the opinion of others and healthy communication


I’m willing to invest myself in a project and honour my responsibilities